The most used feature of TroopTrack is the Troop calendar. This allows you to view our planned schedule of events, get additional details about the event, and to RSVP to those events.
TroopTrack can also send email reminders to users invited to events on the Troop calendar. It is Troop 457’s policy to only send email reminders for:
- Troop meetings where a headcount is needed (requires an RSVP) or the date / location is different than standard.
- All Troop events.
The timing of the email reminders will vary depending on how far in advance we need a head count.
Accessing the Calendar
Like many things in TroopTrack, there are multiple ways you can access the calendar. Click on:
- Quick Nav in the tan bar at the top of the page and selecting Calendar.
- Plan in the dark gray bar at the top of the page and selecting Calendar from the menu
- The Calendar link in the Your Itinerary card in Your Dashboard
When you access the calendar, you’ll be taken to a page showing the current month of events. You can use the options above the calendar to:
- View the calendar as a list, month, week or day
- Navigate to a different month
- Filter the events to All events, only events a member of your family / household is invited to, only events you are invited to, or only events you have RSVPed you are attending
- Print a calendar of events
Events are color coded on the calendar based on their purpose:
- Blue – Holidays
- Maroon – Troop Meetings
- Orange – PLC Meetings
- Pink – Parent Meetings
- Green – Campouts / Troop Events
- Yellow – Optional Events
- Teal – Service Projects
- White – Tentative / Placeholder events
The Event Details Screen
Clicking on event will pop-up a quick summary of the event. On this pop-up screen you can:
- Click on the calendar icon button to add the event to your calendar (although we recommend subscribing to the Troop calendar in you calendar application of choice. More on that in an upcoming lesson)
- View additional details by clicking the Details button.
When you click on the Details button you will find:
- Additional information about the event in the Description card
- Standard event details on the Details card including:
- The RSVP Deadline
- Event Location
- Whether a signed permission slip, medical form, or uniform is required to attend
- Attendance fees
- The number of tent / cabin camping nights, hiking miles, and service hours expected to be earned at the event
- The Scout or Adult coordinators for the event
- The RSVP status for you or your household (if an RSVP is required and managed by TroopTrack)
- Who is invited and their RSVP status (before the event) or who attended the event (after).
- RSVP notes from anyone invited to the event.
We will discuss how (and why) to RSVP to events in the next lesson.
Viewing the “Year at a Glance”
Members can also print a “Year at a Glance” report showing the Troop events on the calendar for the next 12 months. This can be accessed by clicking on the Plan menu and selecting Year at a Glance.
While the Troop strives to schedule our events well in advance, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of events listed in the Year at a Glance report. Always consult the calendar on TroopTrack for the latest information.