When you join Troop 457, we will setup two different types of TroopTrack accounts for you:
- A Scout Account
- One or more Adult Accounts
Scout and Adult accounts are joined to one another to form a household. Both types of accounts have the ability to:
- View and update advancement, including ranks and merit badges
- View and update contact information for the Troop roster
- View parent and leader contact information
- View account balances
- View the Troop calendar of events and RSVP to event
Additional permissions may be added to accounts if the individual has a leadership role within the Troop.
The primary difference between these accounts is the level of access. Scout accounts can only view and edit their own information while parent accounts can view and edit information for any member of their household.
Why Create Scout Accounts?
A TroopTrack account is created for every youth member of our Troop. This allows us to track each Scout’s achievements (rank advancement, merit badges, other awards), participation, leadership, medical information, and money accounts.
Scout accounts are not initially associated with an email account so they cannot login to TroopTrack directly or receive Troop emails.
As a youth led organization, Scouts should get in the habit of reading all troop communications directly. We encourage parents to provide the Troop with an email address for their Scout different from a parent’s email address. Instructions on how to provide this information can be found in a later lesson.
Adult Accounts
The Troop will create adult accounts based on:
- The adult listed on the Youth application, OR
- (For Scouts crossing over from Pack 457) Adults marked as the Scout’s parent/guardian in Scoutbook
Additional adult accounts can be requested by following the instruction in a later lesson.
TroopTrack Communications
TroopTrack automatically copies parents on any communication sent to your Scout as required by BSA policy.