There are seven ranks in the Scouts BSA program. Scouts start by completing the Scout Rank (which has the same requirements as the Scouting Adventure your Scouts are working on this year) and work to learn more about Scout skills and themselves in order to achieve the Eagle Scout rank.
The first rank a Scout earns (Scout) focuses on teaching the youth how to be a Scout in our program and has the same requirements as the Scouting Adventure your Scout will earn while working on the Arrow of Light rank. Ideally, your Scout should be able to earn the Scout rank within a month of crossing over the the Troop this spring.
The next three ranks (Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class) teach Scouts how to succeed in Scouting. The will learn and demonstrate skills related to camping, cooking, navigation, physical fitness, first aid, and more.
Scouts can work to complete requirements for these and the Scout rank at the same time, but they must be earned in sequence.
The last three ranks (Star, Life and Eagle) focus on preparing Scouts to be successful in life. These ranks require the Scout to demonstrate leadership, earn merit badges, and participate in (or lead) service projects.
Who can Sign-Off on Advancement?
Unlike Cub Scouts where parents are permitted to sign off on requirements, the Scouts BSA program limits who can approve completion of an advancement requirement. Rank requirements can only be signed off by an adult leader (who is not the Scout’s parent) in the Troop or a Scout who has earned two ranks higher than the requirement being approved (so Scout rank requirements can be signed off by a Scout who holds the Second Class rank or higher).
Rank Advancement Due Date
The Ranks and Adventures in Cub Scouts are developed specifically for the Scout’s age and must be earned within the Scouting Year (usually June – May). In the Scouts BSA program, there is only one deadline: advancement must be completed by the Scout’s 18th birthday.
Ranks and merit badges do have some “timeline” requirements (i.e. hold a Troop Leadership position for at least 6 months, keep a budget for 12 weeks) that should also be considered to ensure all the Scout’s Eagle requirements can be completed by the deadline.