Course Content
TroopTrack Basics
Troop 457 uses an online tool called TroopTrack to manage our calendar of events, track our Scout's advancement progress, and facilitate communication. In this topic, we'll introduce you to the basic functionality you'll use in the application.
Advancement, Awards & Recognition
Advancement is an important part of the Scouting program which recognizes Scouts for demonstrating their knowledge and skills in topics that will enable them to be prepared for life. In this topic, we'll explore the different types of advancement, how their earned, and how our Scouts are recognized.
New Member Boot Camp
About Lesson

As noted in the prior module, service hours must be approved in advance by the Scoutmaster (for rank advancement requirements) or Counselor (for Merit Badge requirements). Β 

Service hours can be approved by the Scoutmaster by discussing it at a Troop meeting or by completing the Service Hour Approval Request (login required) on the Troop Website.

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