Now that you’ve completed your application, you’re now officially a member of Troop 457 in the eyes of the Boy Scouts of America. But there is one more piece of paperwork that you need to complete: your annual health form. Like the youth application, this is a fairly self-explanatory form, so we won’t cover how to complete each section. Instead, we’ll discuss:
- Where to download the form
- The three parts of the form
- Who needs a Health form
- When does a Health form need updates
- Tips and Suggestions
Where to download the form
The full BSA Health Form is available for download on the Scouting.org website. A copy of the health form pre-populated for Troop 457 is also available for download from the “Course Materials” link above.
Parts of the Health Form
There are three primary parts to the health form:
- Part A: Informed Consent, Release Agreement, and Authorization – Authorizes the Troop, Council, and Boy Scouts of America to delivery its program to the participant and provides these groups information on who may or may not pickup youth participants from events.
- Part B: General Information/Health History – Captures relevant information about the participant’s health history including significant medical issues and vaccinations.
- Part C: Pre-participation Physical – Captures the results of a physical conducted by a medical professional.
Parts A and B may be completed by the Scout or his parent/guardian. Part C can only be completed by a certified and licensed medical professional.
Who needs a Health Form?
Parts A and B of the BSA Health Form must be on file with the Troop for ALL participants (Youth or Adult, Registered and Unregistered members) attending a Troop 457, council, or other Scouting event.
Part C of the Health Form is required for anyone (youth or adult) attending a Scouting event lasting 72 or more hours OR attending a high adventure base.
These requirements are based on BSA insurance requirements.
When should a Health Form be updated?
Sections of the Health Forms are valid for one year after the section was signed. If a section has expired, participants must provide an updated Health Form prior to attending a Scouting event based on the requirements above.
The Troop tracks the dates associated with a participant’s health form in TroopTrack (our Troop management software). Participants will receive an email from the Troop at least 30 days before a section of their health form expires and monthly reminders until an updated health form has been received.
Providing a Copy of a Participant’s Health Form
Updated Health Forms can be provided to the Scoutmaster at any Troop meeting or prior to departing for an event. A limited number of blank Health Forms will be available prior to departing for an event.
Tips and Suggestions
- The Health Form can be downloaded as a fillable PDF from the links provided in the Reference Information section. We recommend downloading the form and typing information into the PDF before printing for signature. This provides several benefits:
- Typed responses are easier to read and interpret during a medical situation.
- The PDF can be saved with the information you have entered; allowing you to update (rather than refill in) the file when the health form expires.
- All Health Form fields must be completed in their entirety and the form may not be altered in any way. (BSA policy prohibits participants from editing or “red-lining” any portion of the Health Form. Doing so invalidates the form and the participant will not be permitted to participate in Scouting events until an unedited form is completed.)
- Participants are encouraged to take a copy of Part C of the health form with them to annual well visits / physicals. This ensure the appropriate paperwork is available without requiring a special doctors visit should the participant plan on attending a Scouting event lasting more than 72 hours.
- Additional pages can be added to capture additional information can cannot fit on the form. (Be sure to clearly reference the attached pages) This may include:
- Part A: Listing additional individuals who may / may not pickup a youth from Scouting events. The Troop does consult this information during Scout pickup, so when in doubt add family members and friends to the list of adults authorized to pickup your Scout.
- Part B: Vaccination records (see also FAQ – How Do I Request An Immunization Exemption?)
- Part C: Physical Information from a medical professional.
- Common Health Form Issues:
- Part A of the Health Form requires a signature from BOTH youth members and a parent / guardian.
- Part B: Participants are required to provide a copy of their insurance card along with the completed health form. Many insurance providers all members to download an electronic copy of the file from their websites (rather than requiring your to scan the card).