The very first step in joining Troop 457 is completing the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Membership application. If you are already an active Boy Scouts of America member crossing over from a Cub Scout Pack or transferring from another Unit OR if you have already completed an online application, then you can skip this lesson by clicking on the NEXT Button at the bottom of the page. Our Troop leaders will be in contact if we need any additional information about your membership.
There are two ways to complete a BSA Youth Membership Application:
- Online via BeAScout.org
- Offline via a Paper Form
Both application processes collect the same information. The biggest difference is in the speed and accuracy of processing and how membership fees are collected. The Troop prefers that you complete an online application as it is processed the fastest and most accurately; however this method requires you to pay your national BSA membership dues by credit card to complete the application. If you would rather pay by cash, check, or take advantage of our Troop’s Scouting Scholarship program (learn more by clicking the link in the reference information section), please complete an offline paper form and hand it to any Troop 457 leader at an upcoming meeting OR email a scanned copy to [email protected].
Accessing the Application
To complete an Online application, scan the QR code on the screen or head to bit.ly/JoinTroop457. If you prefer to complete an offline application, you can request a paper application from the Scoutmaster or download a copy of the Printable BSA Youth Application Form.
Membership Fees
We will discuss more about the annual membership fees and how to pay for Scout’s involvement in the program in the Paying for Scouting module but it is important to note that fees are collected from you when your Youth’s membership application is processed. These fees are updated periodically, so we encourage you to check the link the the Reference Information section for the most up-to-date fee schedule. As a new member, you’ll be asked to pay:
- A one-time, new member registration fee
- The annual BSA membership fee pro-rated based on the number of months remaining in the calendar year, and
- A pro-rated subscription to Scout Life magazine, the Official Magazine of the Boy Scouts of America. The magazine (formerly called Boys Life) contains lots of useful information for Scouts and shares stories about other Scouts across the US and world. Subscribing to Scout Life is encouraged but optional.
If you’re joining in the later half of the year, you may be asked to pre-pay your membership dues for the upcoming year. If you choose to pay these dues, keep a copy of your receipt and email it to [email protected] so those dues can be credited back to your account
Important Tips
Most of the fields in the application process are self explanatory, but there are a few items to be aware of especially if you’re completing a paper application:
- You’ll be asked if you would like a subscription to Scout Life magazine, the Official Magazine of the Boy Scouts of America. The magazine (formerly called Boys Life) contains lots of useful information for Scouts and shares stories about other Scouts across the US and world. Subscribing to Scout Life is encouraged but optional. An additional fee will be added to your membership fees to add a one year subscription.
- You will be asked to provide your own email address. Online application confirmations and receipts will be sent to this address. This is also the email address the Troop uses to create your TroopTrack account (more about that in the Introducing TroopTrack section). Please provide your active email account so you don’t miss any important communications from the Troop.
- If completing a paper application:
- If the Youth lives at the same location of the parent or guardian names on the application, you can fill in the bubble to the left of “Mark here if address is same as above.” and you do not need to fill in the address information in the Parent / Legal Guardian Information section.
- Since you are applying to a Scouts BSA Troop, you should not fill in bubbles next to questions about Lions or Tigers.
- If there are not enough spaces to completely fill in a field, just write the information above the space provided.
- You do not need to complete any of the information on the bottom of the form below “To be completed by Unit”
Online applications are typically processed within a few business days. Offline forms take longer as they must be sent in to our Local Council office to be processed.
Reference Information
- Online Applications can be completed at: https://bit.ly/JoinTroop457
- Printable BSA Youth Application Form
- Learn about the Troop 457 Scouting Scholarship program
- Scout Life Magazine