
Proposed Cell Phone Policy

Cell phone have become a ubiquitous part of today’s society.  Many of our Scouts carry their phones with them to Troop meetings and events.  These phones can be a tool to help the contact parents, store information, or look things up to complete rank and merit badge requirements.  They can also be a distraction at meetings and isolate Scouts from one another.

We recognize that it is unrealistic to ban cell phones from Troop meetings and events, but our leadership has decided that we need to set clear expectations of how cell phones should be used during Troop functions.  Below is a proposed cell phone policy.  We invite Scouts and Parents / Guardians to provide their feedback to their youth leaders, the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair before November 19, 2023.  The official policy will be adopted in the November 21 PLC meeting.

Proposed Cel Phone Policy

  • Troop 457 and its leadership are NOT responsible for the cell phone if it is lost, stolen, or damaged during Scout activities.
  • Cell phones are a Scouts personal property (just like their tent and camping gear).  It is the Scout’s responsibility to keep track of the phone. If a cell phone is lost during a scout activity the Troop will not spend a large amount of time looking for it.
  • Scouts should not be on their cell phones during Troop Meetings unless explicitly needed for the activity.  Cell phones will only be used during down times at Troop meetings and events and should never be a disruption to troop activities.
  • Cell phones will NOT be taken into restrooms, shower facilities for any reason (charging, private phone calls, or for pictures/video). This is a violation of Youth Protection.
  • No pictures or videos will be posted by Scouts on any social media site without the permission of the person in the picture or video.  The Troop is permitted to post photos / videos to the Troop social media accounts and TroopTrack.
  • Use of the cell phone should follow the 12 points of the Scout Law. Inappropriate content should not be accessed.
  • Cyber bullying is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
  • Adult leadership will NOT provide their vehicles or other means for charging of cell phones. 
  • No music playing at any time, especially at night. Earbuds are to be worn to not disturb others.

Summer Camp 2023 Update


We are currently at capacity for the Troop Lodge for summer camp (22 scouts and 6 adults signed up).  We can accommodate more campers on our site if they are willing to camp in tents / hammocks.

If you or someone in your family plans on attending Summer Camp:

  • Review your RSVP in TroopTrack to make sure you have responded.
  • If you haven’t RSVPed for the event, register on Trooptrack ASAP so we know how many people to expect and to plan transportation.

The absolute final date to sign up or change your response is May 16.  After that date, campers will be charged based on their RSVP.

Merit Badge Planning

The schedule for merit badges classes has been released for our week of camp.  Scouts should review the schedule and create a plan for what badges they would like to participate in during the week.  Registration for merit badge classes will open at noon on Tuesday, May 6.  We are working on a plan to register Scouts for their classes at that time as some classes fill up quickly.  Additional information will be shared at an upcoming meeting.

Reading The Schedule

The schedule for our week of Summer Camp is available HERE.  The file contains 4 pages that look like the image below:

  • There are 9 possible scheduling slots for the week (called “pods” on the schedule). This includes:
    • Morning sessions each day Monday through Friday
    • Afternoon sessions each day Monday through Thursday.
  • Some merit badges require more than one pod to complete.  The color of the cell indicates whether the Merit Badge requires one or more pods to complete:
    • Merit Badges requiring 1 pod are shown in GREEN.
    • Merit Badges requiring 2 pods are shown in shades of ORANGE.
    • Merit Badges requiring more than 2 pods (i.e. Hiking MB, Project COPE) are shown in PURPLE.
  • Note that the pods are shown OUT OF ORDER in the document (e.g., Monday AM and Tuesday AM are grouped together).  This is because badges requiring multiple sessions have classes in the morning or afternoon on consecutive days.
  • Multiple classes may be offered for a merit badge in a week.
  • The final four columns of the document contain additional information about pre-/post- requirements, cost and additional information.
    • “Starting Requirements” are the pre-requirements to be completed BEFORE arriving at Summer Camp.
    • “Finishing Requirements” are requirements that will be finished by the Scout AFTER Summer Camp.
      • Scouts will earn a “partial” on these badges until the requirements are finished.
      • The Merit Badge Counselor may allow Scouts to show they have completed these Finishing Requirements before arriving at camp, but this is up to the Counselor’s discretion.
    • Merit Badges with additional costs for supplies are indicated in the Costs column.
      • Some of these kits must be purchased at the trading post before starting the merit badge.
      • Scouts are responsible for bringing cash to camp to cover these costs.
  • Many merit badges will have work to be completed at camp during a Scout’s open time.
  • Classes are planned to be capped at 15 scouts with a waitlist in the event that a class is filled.

Preparing Your Merit Badge Plan

  • Review the BSR Merit Badges Week 2 schedule.
  • Plan to fill up to 7 of the 9 “pods”.  Leave some time for “campwork” and for personal advancements. If you fill all of the “pods”, you will have a very busy week.
    • Write out your ideal schedule for the week with your top preferences.
    • Include 3 or 4 possible alternates.
    • All scouts who do not have First Aid MB or Swimming MB must make those your top 2 choices.  There are 4 sections of each of those MBs in the course of the week.  Talk to your peers and plan to register for the same section.
  • We are working on a plan for getting the actual registration completed.  You will be asked to bring your plan to a future meeting so we know how to register you.

New BSA Camping Rules (Effective 9/2023)

In February 2023, the BSA updated the Guide to Safe Scouting policy to revise the Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse and the Cub Scout Coordinated Camping Sections.  The Scouting Barriers to Abuse change directly impacts who is permitted to stay overnight at a Scouting activity.

The following requirements are effective September 1, 2023:

Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants.

Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided.

All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee required position as listed or as an adult program participant.


What does this mean for our Troop?

Starting on September 1, any adult participating in overnight events with the Troop must be Registered Adult Leaders in fee-paid leadership positions.  (Merit Badge Counselors DO NOT meet this requirement.)

Adults who do not meet these requirements may participate in the events during the day but will NOT be permitted to spend the night.

How to become an Adult Leader

In order to become an adult leader, you will be required to complete a membership application, obtain necessary clearances, and complete the BSA’s Youth Protection training (YPT).  Instructions can be found HERE.

Troop leadership will help you determine the correct position based on how you would like to engage with the Troop as this can impact the Troop’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) score.

  • Parents who want to play an active committee member or assistant Scoutmaster must take additional training to increase our JTE score.
  • Parents who don’t want to play an active role in the troop can be registered as Unit Scouter Reserve.  YPT is the only required training.

Complete Beaumont Program Survey by March 15, 2023

The camp staff at Beaumont Scout Reservation needs your help to prepare for summer camp 2023.
Scouts can complete a quick survey to share the top 10 merit badges or activities that each scout is interested in taking so the staff can build a schedule for each week of camp that meets Scouts interests.  Scouts can complete the survey by clicking the button below.  Surveys must be submitted by March 15, 2023.

Survey Instructions

Most survey fields should be self explanatory, but here are a few fields you may questions about:
  • Troop Number: 457B
  • Week of Camp: Week 2: June 25 – June 30, 2023

On this screen, you will be asked to select your / your Scout’s top merit badges you’re interested in taking at summer camp.  This is not registering for Merit Badge classes.  This will happen in May.

A few things to keep in mind: 

  • A full listing of all Merit Badges and their requirements is available on
  • The 10 fields are independent from one another.  Make sure you’re not selecting the same merit badge twice.
  • Include a few required merit badges in your list to help you make progress toward your Eagle Scout requirements.
  • Consider picking merit badges that are easier to complete at summer camp because you have access to the necessary equipment.  (e.g. merit badges related to shooting sports, boating, or wilderness activities.)
  • We strongly recommend everyone add Swimming and First Aid as their top selections even if you have already earned these merit badges.  This helps encourage the camp staff to offer more of these merit badge classes and increases the odds our Scouts can get in.

Summery Camp Timeline

Below is the timeline for summer camp registration:

  • NOW OPEN: Register for Camp by RSVPing in TroopTrack
  • March 15: Merit Badge Surveys due.
  • Mid-April: Weekly program schedules released
  • Early May: Scouts will be able to sign up for merit badge classes.
  • May 23: Summer Camp Registration Closes

New Advancement Coordinator

Troop 457 is excited to welcome Elizabeth Peterson as the Troop’s new Advancement Chair!  Mrs. Peterson is taking over the position from Mrs. Byers who has filled this role for several years.

As Advancement Chair, Mrs. Peterson is responsible or:

  • Encouraging Scouts to advance in rank
  • Helping plan and conduct induction and advancement recognition ceremonies.
  • Working with the Scouts to maintain the Troop’s advancement records.
  • Arranging Troop Scoutmaster Conferences, Boards of Review and quarterly Courts of Honor.

Look for an email from Mrs. Peterson soon with additional information.  You can alway connect with Mrs. Peterson using the Advancement mailing list in TroopTrack or by completing advancement request forms in the Advancement Hub on the Troop website.

CategoriesEvents Announcements

Scout Sunday 2023

The Boy Scouts of America was founded on February 8, 1910. Every year, Troop 457 celebrates the birthday of our program by supporting our charter organization (English Lutheran Church) by participating in their 9:45 AM service and hosting a pancake breakfast for the congregation to say Thank You to the church for sponsoring our Troop for over 80 years.

We encourage all our members and those in the community to participate in this service.

CategoriesEvents Summer Camp Announcements

Sea Base 2024

Get ready to Pack your bags Troop 457, you’re headed to the Florida Sea Base in August 2024! We’ll be boarding a 75-foot topsail schooner for an unforgettable adventure snorkeling the beautiful Keys’ reefs, fishing, and hands-on sailing as well as a port-o-call in Key West.
Learn more about the Florida Sea Base at:
More information will be coming to this post in the upcoming weeks.
CategoriesEvents Announcements

Coffee with the Scoutmaster

You’re invited to join Mr. Maloney at Spring & Main Cafe (109 N Main St. Zelienople, PA 16063) for the inaugural Coffee with the Scoutmaster!  This event is open to the public and an opportunity for members of our Troop and the community to talk more about:

  • Our Scouting programs & how to get involved
  • Their Scouting Stories
  • How we give back to our community
  • Feedback on our Program

Drop-in to this casual event whenever you’re able between 9 and 11 AM and pull up a chair to chat!  I’ll even buy you a coffee, tea, or hot chocolate for showing up.  (Remember, Scouts should always be accompanied by an adult or a Scout buddy to adhere to BSA Youth Protection Rules.)

(This event is one of Mr. Maloney’s Wood Badge Ticket items)


New Rank and Merit Badge Requirements

The Boy Scouts of America has announced changes to rank advancement and  merit badge requirements effective January 1, 2023.  Scouts who have:

  • Already completed these ranks or rank requirements are NOT required to re-complete them with the new requirements.
  • Obtained a blue card and contacted a counselor for a merit badge listed below may continue to follow the old requirements until completion (per the BSA Guide to Advancement Section
  • Otherwise, the updated requirements should be completed as shared below.


  • Scout – First Class and Eagle Scout Rank Requirement Changes: Many of the changes made are minor wording changes, however Scouts should not the following key changes:
    • Introduction of “Citizenship in Society” as the 14th required merit badge to become an Eagle Scout
    • Additional focus on the “Leave No Trace” principles in the Scout – First Class requirements.
  • New Merit Badge requirements have been posted on for the following merit badges:
    • American Business (2c)
    • Animal Science (1, Avian Option a, c, e)
    • Archery (1a, b, c, d, 3b, 4a, b, c, d, 5ac, 5af1cd, 5bc, 5bf1cd)
    • Architecture (1b)
    • Composite Materials (1c 3a)
    • Cooking (2c, d, 4a, 5b, d, e, g, 6a, f)
    • Cycling (1a, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Option A a1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Option B a1, 3, b1, 2, 3, c, d, e)
    • Digital Technology (3a, 3e, 4a, 5a, 7c)
    • Disabilities Awareness (6)
    • Emergency Preparedness (3)
    • Environmental Science (3, 3f2, 5)
    • Family Life (6b1, 2, 3)
    • Farm Mechanics (1d)
    • Game Design (1b, 5b, 8a, b)
    • Genealogy (1a, b, c, 4a, b, c, d, e, 8b, c)
    • Geology (5d2)
    • Golf (3, 7g)
    • Hiking (2a, b, c, 4, 5)
    • Inventing (6b)
    • Mammal Study (3a, b, c)
    • Nature (4g2, 4h1, 6a, b)
    • Personal Fitness (4d)
    • Plant Science (8 Option 3 Field Botany A2, B, F1d, F3c1, 2, 3)
    • Programming (1b, 3a)
    • Reptile and Amphibian Study (3d, 5)
    • Salesmanship (2b, 2d, 3, 4, 6a3)
    • Small-Boat Sailing (6i, j)
    • Snow Sports (2b, 7 Downhill a, h, i; Cross country a, b, d, i; Snowboarding i, k; Snowshoeing e, i, j)
    • Sports (5)
    • Swimming (5a)

January 2023 Troop Leadership Changes

Scouts elected to Troop Positions in our November 6 meeting will begin their six month term on January 1, 2023 and will be officially inducted into their office at the January 3rd meeting.  Below is a list of our Troop Leadership for January – June 2023:

  • Senior Patrol Leader: Patrick Horton
  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: Adam Byers
  • Quartermasters: Matthew Burr (Closet) and Solomon Roy (Trailer)
  • Scribe / Webmaster: Solomon Roy
  • Troop Guide: Dimitri Matusiak
  • Order of the Arrow Representative: Orion Miller
  • Den Chiefs: Jack Peterson and Matthew Burr
  • Historian: Eliot Francic
  • Outdoor Ethics Guide & Patrol Leader (Sideways Turtles): Jack Peterson
  • Patrol Leader (Radioactive Pandas): Yorick Williams
  • Librarian & Bugler: Ian Maloney

January 1 also sees several changes in our Adult leadership roles including:

  • Committee Chairman: Mark Matusiak
  • New Committee Members:
    • Jason Burr
    • Amanda Williams
    • Mike Francic
  • Scoutmaster: Tim Maloney

Bruce Clark and Jason Stewart become Committee Chairman and Scoutmaster Emeritus.  We thank both Bruce and Jason for their many years of service to the Troop and their continued involvement in helping our new leaders transition into their roles.

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