In Scouts BSA, there is only one set time requirement for earning Ranks. Any Scout wishing to become an Eagle Scout must complete all requirements (except the Eagle Scout Board of Review) by their 18th birthday. All other ranks can be earned at the Scout’s own pace.
Keep in mind that several ranks have requirements that include a minimum amount of time to complete. These include:
- Tenderfoot Requirements 6b and 6c (30 days)
- Second Class Requirement 7a (4 weeks)
- First Class Requirement 8a (4 weeks)
- Star Requirements 1 and 5 (4 months)
- Life Requirements 1 and 5 (6 months)
- Eagle Requirements 1 and 4 (6 months)
Many ranks also include requirements to participate in a specific number of Service Hours and Troop activities (including outdoor activities). These could add to the time needed to complete each rank based on the Troop’s schedule and Scout’s participation in these activities.
Finally, required and non-required merit badges must be earned for the Star, Life, and Eagle ranks. Some merit badges include requirements that must be completed for a specific period of time. (For example, Personal Fitness includes a requirement to develop and follow a 12 week fitness program. Family Life includes a requirement for the Scout to list home duties and chores and show that they have been completed over 90 days.)