How to complete Scout Requirement #6 and Star Requirement #6 (Protect Your Children from Child Abuse and CyberChip / Personal Safety Awareness)?

On January 1, 2023 the BSA revised Scout and Star rank requirements (#6) as follows (edits in red):

With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide and earn the Cyber Chip Award for your grade or view the Personal Safety Awareness videos ( with your parent or Guardian’s permission)

There are two components of this requirement.

How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parents Guide

Parents and Scouts should read the Youth Protection pamphlet that is included at the front of your Scout’s Handbook. (An online version is available here.)

Discuss the questions at the end of the pamphlet and make sure everyone understands what the BSA’s policies are regarding youth protection.

Cyber Chip / Personal Safety Awareness videos

The BSA is phasing out the Cyber Chip program in favor of the Personal Safety Awareness videos so the Troop encourages our Scouts to watch these videos on

The Troop typically spends one or two meetings each year for Scouts to watch the Personal Safety Awareness videos.  If a Scout misses one of those meetings, they can watch these videos on

After Completing These Activities

Once a Scout has completed the pamphlet exercises and watched the Personal Safety Awareness videos, parents should email the Scoutmaster to inform him the Scout has completed the requirement.  At our next Troop meeting, the Scoutmaster or other leader may ask some quick questions to confirm understanding before approving the requirement.

What is a Court of Honor?

Courts of Honor are  gatherings for Scouts, families, and  guests where the troop and troop members are recognized for what’s been accomplished and achieved. They are presented in a manner appropriate for a special occasion and can feature a variety of impressive ceremonies.

Troop 457 tries to hold a Court of Honor once a quarter (typically on the month with a fifth Tuesday).  Family and friends are encourage to attend these events.  The Troop plans these events.

An Eagle Scout Court of Honor is a more rare and special event.  This Court of Honor is focused on the Scout who is receiving their Eagle Scout award and may include additional participants, recognition, and celebration on achieving this major accomplishment.  The new Eagle Scout and their family are actively involved in planning their own Court of Honor.

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