CategoriesSpotlight Announcements

Keeping Track of Scout Advancements with TroopTrack

We’re excited to share an important update regarding tracking Scout rank advancements using TroopTrack. Last week, Mr. Maloney placed a QR code sticker on the inside back cover of each Scout’s Handbook (If you didn’t receive a sticker, see Mr. Maloney at our next meeting). Scanning this QR code with a mobile device will take you directly to the Scout’s advancement record in TroopTrack; making it easier than ever to keep track of progress towards rank advancements.

Who Can Update Records? Scouts themselves, adults in their household, and some Troop leaders have the capability to update a Scout’s advancement record by marking requirements as completed. However, it’s important to note that only Mr. Maloney, Mr. Matusiak, and Mrs. Peterson have the authority to approve those completions.

We encourage members to update their own records in TroopTrack at least monthly. This practice offers several significant benefits:

  1. Backup for Advancements: While a Scout’s handbook is their primary record for advancements, it’s always wise to have a backup. Handbooks can be forgotten, lost, or damaged, and in the absence of a backup, Scouts may need to redo completed requirements. Regularly updating TroopTrack ensures that all progress is recorded and safe.
  2. Assisting Leaders in Planning: By adding advancement information to TroopTrack, both youth and adult leaders can easily identify what requirements Scouts need to complete. This visibility allows leaders to better plan activities and events that will help Scouts meet their advancement goals.

To assist with this, we’ve put together a guide on how to mark requirements as completed in TroopTrack. You can find these instructions here: How do I update my advancement records in TroopTrack?. Additionally, a video walkthrough of this process will be available soon.


Staying Connected: Ensuring You Receive All Troop Communications

We’ve recently become aware that some of our Troop families are not receiving communications sent from the Troop. Staying informed is crucial for the smooth operation of our Troop and the safety and enjoyment of our Scouts. To address this, we want to remind you of several ways to ensure you receive all our communications:

  1. Add Additional Adults to Your Household: It’s important to have all relevant adults in your household connected to our communication channels. For instructions on how to get a TroopTrack account, which is our primary tool for communication and planning, please visit: How do I get a TroopTrack account?
  2. Update Your TroopTrack Profile with Mobile Number and Carrier: Adding your mobile number to your TroopTrack profile ensures you can receive text updates, which are crucial for time-sensitive information. For guidance on adding your mobile number, see: How And Why Should I Add A Mobile Number To My TroopTrack Account?
  3. Whitelist Troop Email Addresses: To prevent our emails from landing in your spam or junk folder, add our email addresses to your whitelist. The email domains to include are,, and Specifically, make sure to whitelist [email protected] and [email protected]. For instructions on how to whitelist email addresses in various email clients and mobile OSes, click here.

In our effort to ensure the accuracy of our communication system, we will be sending out a semi-annual data check email in December. This email will summarize each household’s current TroopTrack configuration. It’s a great opportunity to review and update your information as needed.

Additionally, we will be testing the TroopTrack text messaging functionality in January. This test will help us confirm that all members are setup to receive time-sensitive updates and alerts.

We understand the importance of clear and reliable communication in our Troop activities, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us achieve this. If you have any questions or need assistance with any of these steps, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Nourishment and Nutrition: Enhancing Our Campout Meals

As we continuously strive to improve our camping experiences, one key area we’ve focused on is the meals and nutrition during Troop campouts. Our Troop leaders have observed some trends that we believe are important to address to ensure the health and safety of all our Scouts.

Firstly, we’ve noticed a significant amount of food waste, with Scouts often not eating the meals prepared. Additionally, many Scouts bring extra snacks on campouts, which can attract animals to tents and cabins. Moreover, the meals planned by the Scouts sometimes lack balance, missing essential food groups. While we understand that some Scouts may have specific eating preferences beyond food allergies, it is crucial for everyone to have well-balanced meals to stay energized for our activities.

To address these concerns, Troop leadership is committing to:

  • Incorporate All Five Food Groups in Meal Planning: Going forward, we’ll ensure that our meal plans cover all five food groups, providing a balanced diet that is essential for the health and energy levels of our Scouts.
  • Share Planned Menus in Advance: We will provide the menu for each campout ahead of time. This will allow Scouts who might not be interested in the planned meals to bring their own suitable alternatives.
  • Gathering Feedback: We will ask our Scouts to provide feedback on what foods they like and don’t like so we can consider those preferences in our meal planning.  We will also gather feedback on the specific meals prepared during campouts so we know whether to include them in future plans.

We are asking for the cooperation of Scouts and their parents/guardians in the following ways:

  • Encouragement to Eat Provided Meals: We urge everyone to encourage Scouts to eat the food being prepared. This not only helps reduce waste but also ensures that all Scouts get the nutrition they need.
  • Inform Leaders About Alternative Food Arrangements: If a Scout decides to bring their own food, please let the Troop leaders know in advance. This information is vital for us to make accurate food purchases and avoid unnecessary waste.
  • Limit Snacks Brought to Campouts: While snacks are often a fun part of camping, bringing excessive amounts can lead to problems, including attracting wildlife. We request that the amount of snacks brought be limited.

We believe these steps will help make our campouts more enjoyable and healthy for everyone involved. By working together, we can ensure that our meals are not only delicious but also nutritious, keeping our Scouts fueled and ready for adventure!

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Save the Date – Summer Camp 2024

IT’S OFFICIAL!  Troop 457 is heading to Seven Ranges Scout Reservation in Kensington Ohio for summer camp June 23 – 29, 2024.  This event has been added to the Troop Calendar in TroopTrack and Scouts can RSVP now to hold their spot.

The Seven Ranges Summer Camp experience is very different from what Scouts experienced at Beaumont last summer.  Beginning in December, our monthly newsletters will include a special section discussing what Scouts can expect during their week of Summer Camp.

One important item to note, Seven Ranges’ summer camp runs Sunday through SATURDAY (not Friday like Beaumont last year).  This is to accommodate the Pipestone Camp Honors program (which will be the topic in our December newsletter).


Cell Phone Policy Adopted

At Troop 457, we recognize that cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of our Scouts’ everyday lives and phones are both powerful tools and major distractions. It is unrealistic to expect Scouts to leave their devices at home, but it is important that cell phones not interfere with our Leaders’ ability to deliver an effective Scouting Program.

During the October 2023 Patrol Leaders Council and Troop Committee Meetings, Mr. Maloney proposed the adoption of a Troop Cell Phone Policy that provides Scouts with clear guidance on how cell phone are (and are not) to be used during Troop meetings and events.  The policy was adopted by the PLC and Troop Committee in November 2023 and can be found below and on the Troop Website.

  • Troop 457 and its leadership are NOT responsible for the cell phone if it is lost, stolen, or damaged during Scout activities.
  • Cell phones are a Scouts personal property (just like their tent and camping gear).  It is the Scout’s responsibility to keep track of the phone. If a cell phone is lost during a scout activity the Troop will not spend a large amount of time looking for it.
  • Scouts should not be on their cell phones during Troop Meetings unless explicitly needed for the activity.  Cell phones will only be used during down times at Troop meetings and events and should never be a disruption to troop activities.
  • Cell phones will NOT be taken into restrooms, shower facilities for any reason (charging, private phone calls, or for pictures/video). This is a violation of Youth Protection.
  • No pictures or videos will be posted by Scouts on any social media site without the permission of the person in the picture or video.  The Troop is permitted to post photos / videos to the Troop social media accounts and TroopTrack.
  • Use of the cell phone should follow the 12 points of the Scout Law. Inappropriate content should not be accessed.
  • Cyber bullying is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
  • Adult leadership will NOT provide their vehicles or other means for charging cell phones.
  • No music playing at any time, especially at night. Earbuds are to be worn to not disturb others.

Announcing the Troop 457 Scoutmaster Minute Podcast

Today, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you: the launch of our very own Troop podcast, The Troop 457 Scoutmaster Minute!

What Is This Podcast About?

The Troop 457 Scoutmaster Minute is a weekly(ish) podcast designed to keep you informed and connected with our Troop’s life. Each episode, will provide the latest updates on Troop activities, important announcements, and valuable insights to help our Scouts live into the Scout Oath and Law. It’s a great way for both Scouts and parents to stay in the loop with everything happening in our Troop.

Why a Podcast?

In our fast-paced world, we understand that staying updated can sometimes be challenging. This podcast is our solution to ensure every member of our Troop community can easily access the information they need, wherever they are. Whether you’re driving to a Scout meeting, on a family hike, or relaxing at home, you can tune in to the latest information at your convenience.

Transcripts by Email Now Available

You can now subscribe to receive transcripts of each episode via email, for those who prefer reading over listening. If you prefer this delivery method, visit the dedicated page on our website and signup for email delivery.  You will begin receiving email notifications with a full text transcript when we launch the feature later this year.

How to Subscribe

To make sure you don’t miss out on any updates, please subscribe to the podcast in your favorite podcatcher. For more information and links to subscribe, visit our the dedicated page on our website.

Your engagement and feedback will be invaluable in making “The Troop 457 Scoutmaster Minute” a successful and informative resource for our community. So, tune in, stay updated, and let’s continue our exciting Scouting journey together!

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