
New BSA Camping Rules (Effective 9/2023)

In February 2023, the BSA updated the Guide to Safe Scouting policy to revise the Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse and the Cub Scout Coordinated Camping Sections.  The Scouting Barriers to Abuse change directly impacts who is permitted to stay overnight at a Scouting activity.

The following requirements are effective September 1, 2023:

Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants.

Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided.

All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered in an adult fee required position as listed or as an adult program participant.


What does this mean for our Troop?

Starting on September 1, any adult participating in overnight events with the Troop must be Registered Adult Leaders in fee-paid leadership positions.  (Merit Badge Counselors DO NOT meet this requirement.)

Adults who do not meet these requirements may participate in the events during the day but will NOT be permitted to spend the night.

How to become an Adult Leader

In order to become an adult leader, you will be required to complete a membership application, obtain necessary clearances, and complete the BSA’s Youth Protection training (YPT).  Instructions can be found HERE.

Troop leadership will help you determine the correct position based on how you would like to engage with the Troop as this can impact the Troop’s Journey to Excellence (JTE) score.

  • Parents who want to play an active committee member or assistant Scoutmaster must take additional training to increase our JTE score.
  • Parents who don’t want to play an active role in the troop can be registered as Unit Scouter Reserve.  YPT is the only required training.

Complete Beaumont Program Survey by March 15, 2023

The camp staff at Beaumont Scout Reservation needs your help to prepare for summer camp 2023.
Scouts can complete a quick survey to share the top 10 merit badges or activities that each scout is interested in taking so the staff can build a schedule for each week of camp that meets Scouts interests.  Scouts can complete the survey by clicking the button below.  Surveys must be submitted by March 15, 2023.

Survey Instructions

Most survey fields should be self explanatory, but here are a few fields you may questions about:
  • Troop Number: 457B
  • Week of Camp: Week 2: June 25 – June 30, 2023

On this screen, you will be asked to select your / your Scout’s top merit badges you’re interested in taking at summer camp.  This is not registering for Merit Badge classes.  This will happen in May.

A few things to keep in mind: 

  • A full listing of all Merit Badges and their requirements is available on
  • The 10 fields are independent from one another.  Make sure you’re not selecting the same merit badge twice.
  • Include a few required merit badges in your list to help you make progress toward your Eagle Scout requirements.
  • Consider picking merit badges that are easier to complete at summer camp because you have access to the necessary equipment.  (e.g. merit badges related to shooting sports, boating, or wilderness activities.)
  • We strongly recommend everyone add Swimming and First Aid as their top selections even if you have already earned these merit badges.  This helps encourage the camp staff to offer more of these merit badge classes and increases the odds our Scouts can get in.

Summery Camp Timeline

Below is the timeline for summer camp registration:

  • NOW OPEN: Register for Camp by RSVPing in TroopTrack
  • March 15: Merit Badge Surveys due.
  • Mid-April: Weekly program schedules released
  • Early May: Scouts will be able to sign up for merit badge classes.
  • May 23: Summer Camp Registration Closes

New Advancement Coordinator

Troop 457 is excited to welcome Elizabeth Peterson as the Troop’s new Advancement Chair!  Mrs. Peterson is taking over the position from Mrs. Byers who has filled this role for several years.

As Advancement Chair, Mrs. Peterson is responsible or:

  • Encouraging Scouts to advance in rank
  • Helping plan and conduct induction and advancement recognition ceremonies.
  • Working with the Scouts to maintain the Troop’s advancement records.
  • Arranging Troop Scoutmaster Conferences, Boards of Review and quarterly Courts of Honor.

Look for an email from Mrs. Peterson soon with additional information.  You can alway connect with Mrs. Peterson using the Advancement mailing list in TroopTrack or by completing advancement request forms in the Advancement Hub on the Troop website.

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