At Troop 457, we recognize that cell phones have become a ubiquitous part of our Scouts’ everyday lives and phones are both powerful tools and major distractions. It is unrealistic to expect Scouts to leave their devices at home, but it is important that cell phones not interfere with our Leaders’ ability to deliver an effective Scouting Program. As a result, the Troop has adopted the following policy related to cell phones.
(Policy adopted by PLC and Parents at the November 21, 2023 Troop Meeting)
- Troop 457 and its leadership are NOT responsible for the cell phone if it is lost, stolen, or damaged during Scout activities.
- Cell phones are a Scouts personal property (just like their tent and camping gear).
- It is the Scout’s responsibility to keep track of the phone. If a cell phone is lost during a scout activity the Troop will not spend a large amount of time looking for it.
- Likewise, Scouts should not use or handle other’s cell phones without the owner’s permission.
- Scouts should not be on their cell phones during Troop Meetings unless explicitly needed for the activity. Cell phones will only be used during down times at Troop meetings and events and should never be a disruption to troop activities.
- Cell phones will NOT be taken into restrooms, shower facilities for any reason (charging, private phone calls, or for pictures/video). This is a violation of Youth Protection.
- No pictures or videos will be posted by Scouts on any social media site without the permission of the person in the picture or video. The Troop is permitted to post photos / videos to the Troop social media accounts and TroopTrack.
- Use of the cell phone should follow the 12 points of the Scout Law. Inappropriate content should not be accessed.
- Cyber bullying is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
- Adult leadership will NOT provide their vehicles or other means for charging cell phones.
- No music playing at any time, especially at night. Earbuds are to be worn to not disturb others.