Completed Personal Safety Videos

The Scout and Star ranks include the following requirement:

With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parents Guide” and view the Personal Safety Awareness videos ( with your parent or Guardian’s permission).

Scouts working toward these ranks should watch the four required personal safety videos and complete the exercises from the pamphlet with a parent or guardian.  (The videos and a digital copy of the pamphlet can be viewed HERE).

Once finished, parents/guardians can complete the following form (or email the Scoutmaster) to indicate that their Scout has completed the requirement.  The Scout should meet with the Scoutmaster or other registered leader during an upcoming meeting or event to have the requirement signed off.

Submitter Details

Tell us who is submitting this form. While we encourage Scouts to take ownership of submitting requirements, this form should only be completed by a parent or guardian.

Scout Details

Let us know which Scout is completing these requirements.

Requirement Completion

Select all of the videos / activities you and your Scout have completed. (You must complete all five of the videos / activities to complete the rank requirement.)

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