Leadership Hub

Troop 457 is Scout Run Troop. We are organized so that the Scouts do the work of running the troop enabling them to learn leadership skills by doing. Scouting recognizes the advantages of learning by making mistakes, practicing skills, and eventually being successful.

“Give a scout a job, and then let him do it!”
Lord Baden-Powell

Our Scouts are expected to hold positions of leadership that include additional responsibilities at troop functions. While Scouts are asked to volunteer for these positions, they are ultimately elected or appointed to the positions by their peers.  You can learn more about the leadership positions, how they the election process works, and how to fulfill your leadership responsibilities here in the Leadership Hub.


Current Youth Leadership

Scouts elected or appointed to Troop Leadership positions serve a six month term beginning in January or July and running through the end of June

Adult Leaders

Our Scout leaders are guided, mentored and supported by our Adult Leaders.

Troop Positions

Learn about the roles and responsibilities Scouts take on when elected or appointed to a Troop Position.

Troop Leadership Training

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