Troop 457 is a BSA Quality Unit, with an emphasis on our outdoor program. We were founded in 1940 as a joint program with the local Lutheran Children’s Home. Today, our Troop is chartered to English Lutheran Church in Zelienople, PA and is a is part of the Glacier Ridge Service Area within Moraine Trails Council. Membership in Troop 457 is open to all boys ages 11 to 18 who live in the Zelienople area.
We invite you to learn more about our Troop by clicking on the cards below and by exploring our frequently asked questions.

Since 1940, our Troop has been a part of the Zelienople PA community. Come learn more about this rich history.

English Lutheran Church
Our Troop is chartered to English Lutheran Church, located at the corner of Grandview Avenue and High Street in Zelienople, PA.

Meet the Troop
English Lutheran Church About Troop 457 Meet the Troop We encourage you to check out our Troop stats and our statement of philosophy on the

From weekly Troop meetings to monthly outdoor activities. From service projects to high adventure treks, our Troop stays active year round. Click here to learn more about the fun things our Troop has planned.

Our Troop is lead by our youth members supported by a dedicated group of adult volunteers. Click here to learn more about our current Troop Leadership team.

Eagle Wall of Honor
Eagle Scout is the highest rank awarded by the Boy Scouts of America. It is a challenging journey that requires those that earn it to demonstrate skills related to leadership, community service, first aid, camping, citizenship, and more. Most of all, Eagle Scouts demonstrate Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath and Scout Law.