Hello, Troop 457! This is your Scoutmaster, Mr. Maloney, with the April 9, 2024 episode of the Scoutmaster Minute Podcast. We’ve got some important deadlines and announcements to cover today. Remember, you can always find RSVP links and additional information in our show notes.
First up, we have three crucial RSVP deadlines approaching this Saturday, April 13. These include the Arrow of Light Crossover Other on Sunday, April 21; the Fishing Derby Campout on Friday, April 26; and the July Washington D.C. Trip Campout on Thursday, July 18.
Also, RSVPs are now open for the Crossover Campout scheduled for May 17 – 19. The deadline to RSVP for this event is Tuesday, May 7.
Your timely responses help us effectively plan meals and activities. To understand why RSVPing is so important and learn how to do it via TroopTrack, check out our article ‘The Importance of RSVPing for Our Events’ in the show notes.
Now, onto announcements. I want to extend a big thank you to all our Scouts for making this week’s meeting a success! We have some exciting activities planned for early 2025. Also, we’re excited to learn who will become members of the Order of the Arrow during summer camp in June.
Don’t forget about the Mussigs Hanging Basket Fundraiser. Each ticket costs $23, and Scout accounts will be credited $9.50 for each ticket sold. If you weren’t able to claim a book this week but would like to hold one, please contact Mrs. Horton or myself.
For our reflection today, let’s ponder over a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: ‘An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.’ Emerson was a renowned essayist, philosopher, and poet who believed in the power of action. In Scouting, we also value action—learning by doing, leading by example, and serving our community. This quote aligns perfectly with our ethos and reminds us that taking action is far more impactful than simply discussing theories.
Looking ahead to next week, our monthly planning meetings will be held on Tuesday, April 16. The Patrol Leaders Council begins at 6 P.M., followed by our Patrol and Parent Meetings at 7 P.M. While these may not be the most thrilling meetings, they are crucial to our Troop’s success. So please make every effort to attend if you can.
That’s all for today, Scouts. Remember: Be Prepared, Do a Good Turn Daily, and keep living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Until next time, this is Mr. Maloney signing off.